The root of all these deletions, save for Speak of the Devil, is the song "Shot In The Dark".
though older videos prove he's almost always been The Unintelligible, even when sober, due to his accent. British Accents: He has a very thick Brummie accent that is part of the reason he's so hard to understand when he speaks - the other reason being he's completely and utterly brainfried from so many years of hardcore drug abuse.Break-Up Song: "Goodbye To Romance", a song about him leaving Sabbath, and not, contrary to popular beliefs, about his first wife.To a bigger extent, Down to Earth, which has his entire body entirely messed up, with two skulls protruding from his head, his face disfigured, his eyes horrifyingly colored red, most of his skeleton being displayed, and tattoos overlapping his body! Body Horror: The cover of Ozzmosis depicts Ozzy's body covered with extra eyes and mouths.Also, don't ◊ bring up the bat-eating incident to him in person.And then his neighbor comes walking out, sees Ozzy wearing a tattered, chicken-bloodstained bathrobe, and simply says, " Ah, good evening, Mr. He blows a few chickens away with a shotgun, chases after the rest with a katana, sets the chicken coop on fire, and tosses the rest of his shotgun ammunition into the burning coop, causing many small explosions.One night, after having not slept for 24 hours, doped up on cocaine and booze, the button was finally pressed, leading to one of the most hilariously twisted moments in his book.

Said chickens never laid any eggs because, she told him, he never felt like feeding them.

Bedlam House: "Diary of a Madman" is told from the point of view of someone in there.I was in prison before my eighteenth birthday. Bait-and-Switch: The blurb for Ozzy's autobiography opens with Ozzy's father telling him, after a few beers, "You're either going to do something very special, or you're going to go to prison."Īnd he was right, my old man.(His boast from the Twilight Ozzfest spoof) "Vampire? Vampires are pussies! I'm the Prince of fucking Darkness!".Badass Beard: Zakk Wylde, former guitar player for Ozzy.Ass Shove: He went for a colonoscopy, and while the doctors kept trying to knock him out and failing, he was watching the display and commented that it was like the " Journey to the Centre of My Arse".The Alcoholic: He went through issues with alcoholism, which is the focus of the songs "Suicide Solution" and "Demon Alcohol.".He got bored after the tour was over, and was back on the road in 19 with "The Retirement Sucks Tour" and has been on the road more or less ever since. 10-Minute Retirement: In 1993, Ozzy announced that he'd retire from touring and called his would-be final tour "No More Tours".The Prince of Darkness gives examples of: